Our Services
- Coumadin Clinic
- Family Practice
- Industrial Medicine
- Lab
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Physical Therapy
- Radiology
- Surgery
- Urology
- Occupational Medicine
- Primary Care Clinicians
- Specialties
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology
- Internal Medicine
- Lesion Clinic
- Obstetric/Gynecology
- Orthopedics
- Pulmonary
- Rheumatology
- Urgent Care
Occupational Medicine
Urgent Care
Primary Care Clinicians
Laboratory Services
Desert Valley Medical Group Affirmative Statement
Utilization Management [UM] decision making is based only on appropriateness of care, service and existence of coverage. DVMG does not specifically reward practitioners or other individuals for issuing denials of coverage or service care; financial incentives for UM decision makers do not encourage decisions that result in under utilization. Compensation for individuals who provide utilization review services does not contain incentives, direct or indirect, for these individuals to make inappropriate review decisions or encourage decisions that result in under utilization. All practitioners are ensured independent impartiality in making referral decisions that will not influence hiring, compensation, termination, promotions or any other similar matters.
Utilization review criteria, based on reasonable medical evidence and acceptable medical standards of practice (i.e. interQual and CMS, MCG and / or applicable health plan guidelines) are used to make decisions pertaining to the utilization of services. Review criteria are used in conjunction with the application of professional medical judgement, which considers the needs of the individual patient and characteristics of the local delivery system.